To Be a Rabbit has entered a demo stage!

To Be a Rabbit is here!

I am still having a lot of fun with this project, and I think it has reached enough polish to release a quick demo! I have received amazing feedback from all of my friends and I wanted this to be public.

What are my plans for TBaR?

I have a lot of fun ideas and mechanics for this game. Sadly, college takes priority over an indie project, so the scope is limited for now. I don't have many concrete details, so take everything with a grain of salt. For release, I want to add NPCs that you race/fight/help in order to complete a challenge level that tests your skills.

What are you adding next?

Sound, definitely sound. I love how the game looks and plays right now, and I've been neglecting the audio side of things since I don't have much experience. Sound effects are highest priority, with music being the lowest priority, but all of that will come with time.


To Be A Rabbit 24 MB
91 days ago

Get To Be A Rabbit

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