Getting the full dev experience

I'm still alive! Guess what y'all! Rabbit is still alive!

The game is almost ready for a full release, but because this was my first actual game, I want to share what I've experienced while developing.

The biggest problem I've encountered so far is fading enthusiasm, which was caused by a few different things. College was a big contributor to burnout, and after the semester ended I was left without much drive to develop. Suddenly I didn't want to learn more about Godot, and I especially didn't want to tackle music. 

I have never made music before, so I felt like jumping in was almost out of the question. I struggled trying to find music software that was beginner friendly, and I eventually found FamiStudio. It was practically made for a game like Rabbit. After downloading FamiStudio, I hacked out some tunes that I HATED. I felt like a creative failure, but left the files on my computer. My feelings bubbled into the rest of the game, so I put it down.

During my long break from Rabbit, I got some good advice. "If you don't do it now, you'll never do it." and "Perfection is the enemy of good enough." I immediately thought of Rabbit. After returning to my game, I realized that I wanted to make something HUGE. In fact, I've wanted to make something huge multiple times, and twice it failed. 

I planned to add 3 new game mechanics, another character, 2 special levels, and a much longer story. It was way too much for just me. Don't get me wrong, my plan could've been much better then what I plan to release, but it's out of my reach unless I have a team.

So, Everything was cut in one way or another, until I deemed it good enough. There's plenty of janky crap in the game, but the game got a second wind because of it. Will the players judge the stiff animation? Maybe. Will the players mute the music? It's possible. Will I have a finished game that's free for anyone to play? Hell yeah.

Be ready for the Hit-Indie-Platformer To Be A Rabbit!

Get To Be A Rabbit

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